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Affiliates in

Psychological Care

Welcomes You

A safe place to face your struggles

Are you struggling and are unsure what else to try. Issues related to major life changes, grief, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, addiction, or a trauma history can feel overwhelming at times. A psychologist can help you to cope with many of life’s challenges. Guided by the theories and science of the profession, this Schaumburg based office is here to support you on your journey toward self-discovery and healing.

Both in person and tele-health sessions are available. 

Now offering telehealth session for Wisconsin residents. 

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About Therapy

Therapy is a time to focus on what you are experiencing and reflect on your choices. No therapist can give you the answers but in the process of therapy, you can discover potential answers that are worth the risk to investigate. No therapy can remove your pain, but through therapy methods of coping with and managing pain can be learned and practiced. Therapy does require the courage, step by step, to face difficulties, but in this process, you will discover and build your strengths as well as build your resources to face your challenges.

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Psychological Therapy Opportunities

You don't have to go through this alone

Therapy offers a chance to reflect on emotions, behaviors, values and goals to consider what is or is not working. Alternative behaviors and perspectives can be considered and practiced in a supportive setting. Larger patterns are sometimes revealed that help make sense of one's past or present behavior which open up new choice possibilities.

Psychologist Session

Individual Therapy

Face your challenges

Life is sometimes difficult and you might not feel like you're coping as well as others seem to do. Even your best attempts at resolving your challenges might not provide you more than momentary relief. Long term change is possible. With the courage to face what you struggle with, new skills, perspectives, and behavior choices can be learned.

Family Board Game

Family Therapy

Encourage healthy interactions

While families can be the source of much joy and comfort, sometimes the relationships that matter the most can lead to the most emotional pain. Supporting healthy behavioral choices and emotion management is not always an easy task. With practice, developmentally appropriate techniques can be used to foster improved functioning between family members and with their community.

Image by Roman Kraft

Couples Therapy

Learn to support each other

We turn to our significant other at the times we feel most vulnerable, but don't always get the response we wished. Skill building in communication and conflict resolution can led to progress in learning how to support each other through the difficult times and emotions that are a part of life.

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Contact Me

1320 Tower Rd., Schuamburg IL

(847) 519-0520

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